Since 2018, this website makes public all activities towards my PhD
in Building Economics and Engineering.
Thanks to all interested readers and supporters!
German Management Committee Substitute Member. The COST ACTION CA19124 is an EU-financed association of experts from industry and academia working on research projects about how to implement sustainable food packaging solutions within future circular food supply chains (CIRCUL-A-BILITY )
German Management Committee Member and Scientific Communication Manager.
The COST ACTION CA16114 is an EU-financed association of experts from industry and academia working on research projects in the field of sustainable and restorative building (RESTORE). See my latest presentation at the RESTORE Final Conference on 3rd December 2020: Communication of RESTORE Scientific Output: How we continue.
Member as Researcher for Wood-Plastic Composites at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences.
The CEN TC249 WG13 is a norming committee with experts from industry and academia working on all standards in the field of WPC.
Member as Adminsitrative Oficer from the Grant Holder Institute Lucerne University of Applied Siences.
The COST ACTION TU1403 is an EU-subsidized association of experts from industry and academia working on research projects in the field of "Intelligent Future Building Envelopes".
Member as Product Manager for Reinforcement Technology at the Schöck Bauteile GmbH, Baden-Baden, Germany.
The Bundesverband Bausysteme is an association of manufacturers from the building industry specialized on product systems. They work on a wide range of projects by innovative cooperation and creative exchange of ideas.